To assist trial convenors, the association offers a range of information to support you (see links on this page).
A standard entry form is available for convenors to use to ensure relevant information is obtained from competitors. An Online entry form is also available. If trial convenors choose to take advantage of technology and have their entry form on-line, please forward details to the Secretary allowing time for it then to be created.
Convenors are requested to reject entries which do not quote a current VYUFDA membership number. This condition applies to all competitors, including those from another State. A regularly updated list of current members is posted on this website.
Convenors are required to provide the results of their event to the Secretary using the Trial results form. Please Note: Photos etc of trial results will not be accepted and as a result the event results will not be included in the annual awards (e.g. Dog of the Year) . Convenors are requested to send results to the Secretary by email
All competitors must be full financial members including those under 18 years of age. Convenors are invited to send the draw to the Secretary by email for publication.
The Association will allow genuine local people to compete in the Local/Encourage class only without having to pay a subscription on one occasion during the year. It is important to note this relaxation of the membership requirements is only for locals who participate in one trial each year.
Trial Convenors Guide
Incident Report Form
Risk Assessment Form
Entry Form Template
VYUFDA Trial Entry form – 2022
Trial Results
State Yard Championship Expectations
VYUFDA Competition Championships
Voluntary Workers Induction Checklist
Risk Management Plan
Emergency Procedures