Code of Conduct – A Guide to Acceptable Behaviour
Actions or behaviour which is considered “prejudicial to the interests of the association” will be dealt with under “Division 2, Disciplinary Action” of the Constitution. The Constitution may be viewed on
The following is an outline of inappropriate behaviour. This is not an exhaustive list and where relevant includes social media:
- Verbal and/or physical abuse of a person;
- Abuse of an animal by inflicting pain or wilfully causing distress;
- Unsportsmanlike conduct;
- Conducting oneself in a manner which could reasonably be interpreted as being under the influence of alcohol or drugs whilst competing or representing the Association;
- Wearing inappropriate clothing or footwear whilst competing or representing the Association;
- Presenting a dog for competition which:
a) is in its 2nd trimester of pregnancy; or
b) has whelped within 6 weeks or less; or
c) is carrying an injury; or
d) is in such an unhealthy condition as to bring discredit to the sport.
If any member is unclear as to what may or may not constitute unacceptable behaviour, they should consult a Committee member.
Competition Rules
Code Of Conduct
Animal Welfare Policy
Heat Policy
Code Of Conduct Scale of Penalty
Committee Roles and Responsibilities
Annual Awards