Resolutions Australian Yard Dog Association

AGM Ross Tasmania March 1995

That the money raised in any one year from affiliation fees be the only money
allocated to a state that is having difficulty in meeting the expenses of conducting the
Australian Championship
That the State hosting the next Australian Yard Dog Championship should advise the
proposed date of that Championship at the AGM being held in the year prior to their
hosting., so that all other states are notified of the date well in advance.

AGM Lucindale 1996

That when each State body hosts the Australian Yard Dog Championship that a
replica shield be made available to the winner at the cost of approx $ 60 with an
annual review of the cost. The shield to be paid for by the Australian Yard Dog Inc
That the hosting body for the Australian Championship provide a small memento to
the judges at each year’s event over and above the agreed fee

AGM York WA 1999

That the AYDA will endeavour to allocate the annual championship to the State
hosting the WKC National Kelpie trial

AGM Lucindale 2002

All Notices of Motion to the Australian Yard Dog Assoc. must be put formally by a
State body.
‘All notices of Motion should contain relevant information regarding their
implementations, reasons for, explanation of etc, providing other States bodies with a
basis on which to make a fair assessment

S.A.Y.D.A Inc . 2002

All competitors must nominate preferred State for Representation. Any change of
representation must contain a letter of clearance from the previous State.
Applications will be assessed at each State’s discretion. The competitor must apply to
the new State he wishes to represent to be assessed by the Governing committee of
the State at that time. This must be done within an acceptable time limit for all
concerned.” (Suggesting 3 months prior to the State championships)

Advisory Committee South Australia

1 (a) that the three persons nominated to the Advisory committee are appointed the
advisers of the National body.
2 That one position becomes vacant at each AGM and a draw is held at Lucindale to
determine which member of the committee would be up for re-election in year 2003,
2004 and 2005 and then continue on in set three year rotation.
3 That the three “advisers” be drawn from three different States at any one time.

Westbury Tasmania 2003

As a recommendation to all organizing committees of the Australian Yard Dog
Championship that all judges for the Championship may be different to the judges
officiating in the Open and qualifying event